Following World War II, Anna Halprin and her husband Larry Halprin relocated from the East Coast to San Francisco to start a family and begin their life’s work. They drew inspiration from Larry’s Bauhaus studies at Harvard, as well as his life-long connection to Israel and the dream of a utopian, land-based society. They also drew inspiration from Anna’s dance mentor, Margaret H’Doubler as well as Anna’s own early experience as a professional stage dancer in New York and a teacher of children’s dance.

In 1952, Larry Halprin built the dance deck and studio where Anna developed her new dance movement. Over the decades, Anna would become recognized as the seminal post-modern dancer of our times, as well as a pivotal teacher of other important post-modern dancers. She redefined dance and performance with work that included children, the urban environment, voice, dialogue, and multimedia theatre—creating an art where any body in any place could take part. Read Anna Halprin’s full bio.


In 1978, with a vision for sharing movement and dance as a healing art, Anna and her daughter Daria Halprin co-founded the Tamalpa Institute. The resulting work, known as the Tamalpa Life/Art process, has influenced the fields of dance, environmental design, theater, body/mind therapies, and art-based psychology.

To learn more about Tamalpa Institute:
Visit Tamalpa.org
Daria Halprin on Tamalpa Institute